Tina Pienkuukka

Gallup: Mitä mieltä olet videoluennoista?

Yhä useampi luento videoidaan ja tallenteen voi katsoa kotona. Kyselimme opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä etäluennoista.



Procrastination Level = Expert

Procrastination is familiar to every university student. Social media, Netflix and even dishes are far more interesting than writing an essay or preparing for an exam. There are many apps that are designed to help control your distractions. We tested a few of them to see if they deliver what they promise.



Culture events for non-Finnish speakers

It has been said that non-Finnish speakers find the Finnish language a little, let’s say tricky to understand. So, what is there for you to do in your spare time in Jyväskylä which doesn’t require passing an intensive Finnish course?

In English


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